Thermography — Aberdeen Massage

Thermography Screening

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What's Included in Each Scan?

Breast Scan ($215): breast screening test includes 5 images: one front view, two side views and two oblique views, which cover entire chest, underarms and lymph area. This test is completely private. We allow 30 minutes for this appointment which includes an opportunity to review scans & answer questions.

One Region of Interest Scan ($215): screening of one area of interest may include one of the following: head/neck, breast/chest, abdomen, reproductive organs, lower extremities (legs/feet), or upper extremities (arms/hands). This appointment takes 30 minutes. 

Upper Body Scan ($335): screening includes the head, breast/chest, abdomen, & reproductive organs. This appointment takes 45 minutes. 

Lower Body Scan ($335): screening is from the waist down, including legs & feet. This appointment takes 45 minutes. 

Full Body Scan ($435): screening includes the head, breast/chest, abdomen, reproductive organs, lower extremities (legs/feet), & upper extremities (arms/hands).  A full body scan includes all the body regions from head to toe. This appointment takes 60 minutes. 

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What is thermography?

Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (Thermography) is an assessment tool that can detect diseases like cancer & injury by revealing the thermal (heat) abnormalities present in the body.

Thermography is a clinical test supported by 30 years of research & over 8,000 published medical studies & FDA-approved.


Why Use Thermography? 

Early Detection: While X-rays, ultrasound, & mammography show us the structure of the body, they will miss such things as active inflammation & increased blood supply as found in many illnesses.

For Young Women: Dense breast tissue, found in women under 50, makes it more difficult for mammograms to find suspicious lesions - thermography can "see" in dense breast tissue easily. 

For more information please visit Picture my Health

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Book Thermography Scan